Apple Reference & Present…ry 5: (Reseller Edition)
Apple Reference & Presentations Library 5.0 (Reseller Edition).iso
6-Developer Demos
Developer Demos-Ed.
Macintosh School® CD-ROM Demo
Macintosh SchoolÆ CD-ROM Demo
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Text File
551 lines
-- card: 19771 from stack: in
-- bmap block id: 25231
-- flags: 4000
-- background id: 19276
-- name: Sort Order…
----- HyperTalk script -----
on openCard
global buttonNumber
put char 1 to 3 of the long date & "," & item 2 to 3 of the abbrev date into background field date
set hilite of background button buttonNumber to false
end openCard
on closeCard
global buttonNumber
set hilite of background button buttonNumber to true
set the loc of card button "Area" to 313,105
set the loc of card button "Class Rank" to 313,123
set the loc of card button "Grade" to 313,141
set the loc of card button "Homeroom" to 313,159
set the loc of card button "Honor Roll" to 313,177
set the loc of card button "Sex" to 313,195
set the loc of card button "Student Name" to 199,105
set the loc of card button "Student Number" to 313,231
set the loc of card button "Zip Code" to 313,249
end closeCard
-- part 1 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: 0000
-- rect: left=0 top=0 right=342 bottom=512
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 0
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name:
-- part 2 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: 2000
-- rect: left=147 top=280 right=298 bottom=205
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 0
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name: OK
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseUp
lock screen
put empty into sortBy
repeat with index = 5 to 13
if item 1 of the loc of card button id index < 256 then
put "St" & index after sortBy
end if
end repeat
go to card sortBy of this background
if the result is "No such card" then
pop card
else pop card into it
unlock screen
end mouseUp
-- part 3 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: 2000
-- rect: left=227 top=280 right=298 bottom=285
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 0
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name: Clear
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseUp
lock screen
set the loc of card button "Area" to 313,105
set the loc of card button "Class Rank" to 313,123
set the loc of card button "Grade" to 313,141
set the loc of card button "Homeroom" to 313,159
set the loc of card button "Honor Roll" to 313,177
set the loc of card button "Sex" to 313,195
set the loc of card button "Student Name" to 313,213
set the loc of card button "Student Number" to 313,231
set the loc of card button "Zip Code" to 313,249
unlock screen
end mouseUp
-- part 4 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: 2000
-- rect: left=307 top=280 right=298 bottom=365
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 0
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name: Cancel
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseUp
lock screen
pop card
unlock screen
end mouseUp
-- part 5 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: 8002
-- rect: left=263 top=97 right=113 bottom=363
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 0
-- font id: 3
-- text size: 10
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 13
-- part name: Area
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseDown
repeat while the mouse is down
get the mouseLoc
if it is within "196,102,316,252" then set the loc of me to it
end repeat
end mouseDown
on mouseUp
if item 1 of the loc of me > 256 then
set the loc of me to 313,105
put empty into buttonCount
repeat with index = 5 to 13
if item 1 of the loc of card button id index < 256 then
add 1 to buttonCount
end if
end repeat
set the loc of me to 199,((buttonCount * 18) + 87)
end if
end mouseUp
-- part 6 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: 8002
-- rect: left=263 top=115 right=131 bottom=363
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 0
-- font id: 3
-- text size: 10
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 13
-- part name: Class Rank
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseDown
repeat while the mouse is down
get the mouseLoc
if it is within "196,102,316,252" then set the loc of me to it
end repeat
end mouseDown
on mouseUp
if item 1 of the loc of me > 256 then
set the loc of me to 313,123
put empty into buttonCount
repeat with index = 5 to 13
if item 1 of the loc of card button id index < 256 then
add 1 to buttonCount
end if
end repeat
set the loc of me to 199,((buttonCount * 18) + 87)
end if
end mouseUp
-- part 7 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: 8002
-- rect: left=263 top=133 right=149 bottom=363
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 0
-- font id: 3
-- text size: 10
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 13
-- part name: Grade
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseDown
repeat while the mouse is down
get the mouseLoc
if it is within "196,102,316,252" then set the loc of me to it
end repeat
end mouseDown
on mouseUp
if item 1 of the loc of me > 256 then
set the loc of me to 313,141
put empty into buttonCount
repeat with index = 5 to 13
if item 1 of the loc of card button id index < 256 then
add 1 to buttonCount
end if
end repeat
set the loc of me to 199,((buttonCount * 18) + 87)
end if
end mouseUp
-- part 8 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: 8002
-- rect: left=263 top=151 right=167 bottom=363
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 0
-- font id: 3
-- text size: 10
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 13
-- part name: Homeroom
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseDown
repeat while the mouse is down
get the mouseLoc
if it is within "196,102,316,252" then set the loc of me to it
end repeat
end mouseDown
on mouseUp
if item 1 of the loc of me > 256 then
set the loc of me to 313,159
put empty into buttonCount
repeat with index = 5 to 13
if item 1 of the loc of card button id index < 256 then
add 1 to buttonCount
end if
end repeat
set the loc of me to 199,((buttonCount * 18) + 87)
end if
end mouseUp
-- part 9 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: 8002
-- rect: left=263 top=169 right=185 bottom=363
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 0
-- font id: 3
-- text size: 10
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 13
-- part name: Honor Roll
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseDown
repeat while the mouse is down
get the mouseLoc
if it is within "196,102,316,252" then set the loc of me to it
end repeat
end mouseDown
on mouseUp
if item 1 of the loc of me > 256 then
set the loc of me to 313,177
put empty into buttonCount
repeat with index = 5 to 13
if item 1 of the loc of card button id index < 256 then
add 1 to buttonCount
end if
end repeat
set the loc of me to 199,((buttonCount * 18) + 87)
end if
end mouseUp
-- part 10 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: 8002
-- rect: left=263 top=187 right=203 bottom=363
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 0
-- font id: 3
-- text size: 10
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 13
-- part name: Sex
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseDown
repeat while the mouse is down
get the mouseLoc
if it is within "196,102,316,252" then set the loc of me to it
end repeat
end mouseDown
on mouseUp
if item 1 of the loc of me > 256 then
set the loc of me to 313,195
put empty into buttonCount
repeat with index = 5 to 13
if item 1 of the loc of card button id index < 256 then
add 1 to buttonCount
end if
end repeat
set the loc of me to 199,((buttonCount * 18) + 87)
end if
end mouseUp
-- part 11 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: 8002
-- rect: left=149 top=97 right=113 bottom=249
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 0
-- font id: 3
-- text size: 10
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 13
-- part name: Student Name
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseDown
repeat while the mouse is down
get the mouseLoc
if it is within "196,102,316,252" then set the loc of me to it
end repeat
end mouseDown
on mouseUp
if item 1 of the loc of me > 256 then
set the loc of me to 313,213
put empty into buttonCount
repeat with index = 5 to 13
if item 1 of the loc of card button id index < 256 then
add 1 to buttonCount
end if
end repeat
set the loc of me to 199,((buttonCount * 18) + 87)
end if
end mouseUp
-- part 12 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: 8002
-- rect: left=263 top=223 right=239 bottom=363
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 0
-- font id: 3
-- text size: 10
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 13
-- part name: Student Number
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseDown
repeat while the mouse is down
get the mouseLoc
if it is within "196,102,316,252" then set the loc of me to it
end repeat
end mouseDown
on mouseUp
if item 1 of the loc of me > 256 then
set the loc of me to 313,231
put empty into buttonCount
repeat with index = 5 to 13
if item 1 of the loc of card button id index < 256 then
add 1 to buttonCount
end if
end repeat
set the loc of me to 199,((buttonCount * 18) + 87)
end if
end mouseUp
-- part 13 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: 8002
-- rect: left=263 top=241 right=257 bottom=363
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 0
-- font id: 3
-- text size: 10
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 13
-- part name: Zip Code
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseDown
repeat while the mouse is down
get the mouseLoc
if it is within "196,102,316,252" then set the loc of me to it
end repeat
end mouseDown
on mouseUp
if item 1 of the loc of me > 256 then
set the loc of me to 313,249
put empty into buttonCount
repeat with index = 5 to 13
if item 1 of the loc of card button id index < 256 then
add 1 to buttonCount
end if
end repeat
set the loc of me to 199,((buttonCount * 18) + 87)
end if
end mouseUp
-- part contents for background part 1
----- text -----
99 Students
-- part contents for background part 3
----- text -----
-- part contents for background part 4
----- text -----
Abrosimoff, Michael John
Adams, Bryan
Alexander, Rick
Alexander, Susan
Allsop, Blair M.
Azimov, Isaac
Barisoff, Larissa
Bunyan, Paul
Burnyeat, Grant
Caldwell, Brian
Chalk, Patricia
Collins, Bob
Conkin, Elizabeth
-- part contents for background part 5
----- text -----
-- part contents for background part 6
----- text -----
-- part contents for background part 7
----- text -----
-- part contents for background part 8
----- text -----
-- part contents for background part 2
----- text -----
Mon, Aug 28, 1989